Fax / Postal Mail

If you live in the United States, Canada, or a U.S. province:

If you are located in the United States or paying with a check/money order that is drawn on a U.S. bank (i.e. check or money order is in U.S. dollars, Canada and U.S. provinces can also make checks in U.S. dollars.) then simply submit the form below, print it, and send in the mail (address is at the bottom of the form). You can also print this page for your convenience. Please allow 2-3 business days after we receive your check or money order for account activation.

If you are paying with cash:
Some people prefer to simply pay with cash. If you pay with cash, please make sure the postal service cannot see the cash through the envelope (i.e. wrap cash in paper before putting in the envelope so it is not visible). It is just a safety precaution to assure mail delivery. Then simply submit the form below, print it, and send in the mail or fax it. (fax number and mailing address is at the bottom of the printed form).

If you have any questions or concerns on ordering, please feel free to contact support here. We will gladly assist you with any questions you may have.

Full Name:
City, State, Zip code
Including Area Code
Desired Username:
Desired Password:
Valid E-mail Address
Repeat E-mail Address:
Agency You Are Targeting:
City & State

Please Enter The Verification Code Above


All memberships are processed in the order they are received. Postal order please allow at least 7-10 days for your order to reach us and be processed.  If you do not receive an e-mail from within that time frame send us an e-mail to info@firequiz.com.